Shaping Congleton's Future

Have Your Say on the Neighbourhood Plan

Join us in crafting a vision for Congleton that reflects our community’s needs and aspirations. Your feedback on the draft neighbourhood plan is invaluable. Thank you to all those who responded to the consultation, the comments are currently being reviewed. 

Congleton Neighbourhood Plan

The Congleton Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration, and conservation of the area. It provides a vision for the town and sets out planning policies to achieve this vision. Developed by the Congleton Town Council, the plan ensures that local residents have a significant say in shaping the future of their community.

Congleton's award winning park, a view of the flowers in the jubilee garden

Key Features of the Plan

Download the full neighbourhood plan document below or click the links to view the policies in each section.

Strategic Sustainability Policy

Congleton for Everyone Now and in the Future

Development Strategy

Policies 2 to 6 focuses on brownfield land use, support home conversions, protect mill buildings, celebrate Congleton’s markets, and address Timbersbrook Village development.

Town Centre and Retail

Policies 7 through 10 focus on promoting a lively town centre, enhancing tourism and leisure opportunities, and supporting retail and leisure development both within and outside the town centre.

Community Wellbeing

Policies 11 to 17 discuss sustainable transport, active travel, ecological networks, and improved access to health, education, and community facilities.

Landscape and Townscape

Policies 18 to 26 focus on preserving Congleton’s character, heritage, green spaces, landscape, biodiversity, and trees, while guiding residential design and key views.

Key Areas for Improvement

Policies 27 and 28 focus on enhancing the town centre by promoting pop-up uses for flexible commercial spaces and identifying areas for improvement throughout the town.

The Congleton Neighbourhood Plan sets out a series of policies which, once made, will be used to guide development and the preparation of planning applications. The policies will be used by Cheshire East Council in determining planning applications for all development proposals in the Congleton Neighbourhood Plan Area.

You can click on the image to download the full Neighbourhood plan document in PDF format or click on the links below to view the policies in each section of the plan.

Congleton Neighbourhood Plan, full document PDF accessible document

The document is 97 pages 4.19 MB (4,399,493 bytes)


A Neighbourhood Plan for Congleton has been a long time in the making! We are delighted that you are reading the plan and taking part in the Regulation 14 consultation. We believe that the draft plan reflects the views that we have received from local people during its development. We now welcome your views. We promise to consider all comments, and where appropriate will amend the plan before passing to Cheshire East Council for the next stage.

Since work started on the plan, the legal framework around planning has changed. Many of the policies and themes which were strongly advocated for in the early rounds of consultation have now become established within local or national planning policy. We are encouraged not to repeat these policies, however due to the strength of local feeling and wanting developers to be aware how fundamental these are for Congleton, we have included key issues in a way that seeks to complement and strengthen local and national policies. These are around:

  • protecting the town’s rich heritage
  • enhancing our green spaces
  • building in a sustainable manner
  • creating accessible and attractive sustainable spaces, places and travel

Developing our plan has been a challenge. The Congleton Neighbourhood Plan can only make policies and aspirations for the plan area, (view map) which is the area administered by Congleton Town Council.

The majority of the thousands of new houses being built in the immediate surrounds of Congleton, which have a direct impact on the working of the town and the demands on its health, education, leisure, retail, green open spaces and employment land, are not within the Neighbourhood Plan area.

Our initial draft Congleton Neighbourhood Plan was withdrawn in May 2019, following an exploratory examination meeting with Cheshire East Council and an independent examiner. More work has since been commissioned across a range of policy areas in order to strengthen the evidence underpinning the neighbourhood plan.

The draft Congleton Neighbourhood Plan presented in this document is for consideration by the community, stakeholders and investors.  It is based upon consultation with the local community, local groups and organisations and has been shaped by a team of local volunteers, led by the Town Council. I hope that you find it informative and stimulating and in due time will vote to adopt the plan as way forward to improve Congleton for those living, working and visiting the town.

The consultation closes on 9 December 2024. Please tell us what you think by completing the questionnaire, emailing or write to Congleton Neighbourhood Plan, Congleton Town Hall, High Street, Congleton CW12 1BN.

David McGifford

CEO Congleton Town Council

Community Voices

David McGifford

“We believe the policies in this draft Neighbourhood Plan will benefit Congleton, but it is vital that we now engage with as many people as possible. We want to ensure that local people, organisations, and stakeholders agree that this is the right vision for Congleton.

David McGifford, CEO of Congleton Town Council.

Kay Wesley

“The Neighbourhood Plan sets out how Congleton residents want our town to be in the future. What developments and improvements do you want to see, and what should we protect and preserve for future generations? This is not the Council’s plan, it is yours, so please get involved, read it, and tell us what you think.”

– Kay Wesley, Congleton Town Mayor.

Deborah Lawson

“Ensuring that Congleton is accessible to all is a priority in the Neighbourhood Plan. I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to contribute. Your valuable feedback is essential in shaping an inclusive community for us all.”

– Dr Deborah Lawson, Equal Access Group Chair.


(01260) 270350


Congleton Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Congleton, CW12 1BN